Saturday, October 1, 2011

Surgery and Candida...

Vicky sent this email on what affect surgeries had
on both her and her father's candida problems...

"Hi Mike,
I am doing really well with the products. Even 
better, my dad has made some tremendous progress, 
too. He has had 9 hip surgeries and has battled 
"side affects" from all the medications for years. 

I had tried the Threelac a couple of years ago and 
mentioned it to him, but did not get anywhere. My 
try was half-hearted and worked to a degree.
Last year I had gastric by-pass surgery. Prior to 
the surgery, I had been battling yeast infections 
and was really frustrated that nothing was working. 

After continuing to battle after the surgery and the 
skin itching, I went back and read some of your 
newsletters and decided to give Threelac a good chance. 

I was taking up to 4 packets a day - 2 pkts, 2 times 
a day. That finally started getting me relief. Then I 
read up on the Inulation and and got Mom and Dad to 
try them both on Dad. The Inulation is a life-saver, 
as you know. I am down to 2 packets a day and am 
beginning to ease off of that amount to 1 per day. 

I take 1 scoop of Inulation 2 times a day. I still 
experience occasional skin itching, but I know 
that will eventually subside.
My dad is a wonder case. Within a week of starting 3 
packets of Threelac a day and 3 scoops of Inulation a 
day, he had no skin itching - eliminating a medication 
and by the end of that same week, he was no longer 
having dizzy spells - eliminating yet another medication.
He doesn't like to have a fuss made about this so I have 
taken my time in letting you know how well it is working 
for us. We even have my mom taking the Threelac now.
Your newsletters and the follow-up you provide your 
customers is so very beneficial.
Thank you so very, very much!
And thank you Vicky!
Till next time,

Mike W.
For help with your candida yeast problem check out Threelac at 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Even RN's believe in candida and Threelac...

Received this recently...

"Thanks for your email, Michael.  I've been away
for some time, but want to tell you that within
24 hours of taking that first dose, the severe
abdominal pain that I experienced for three months
was gone.

I'm an RN and I really wanted to exhaust any
possibilities that I could think of before having
to go in for unpleasant tests that I knew would
surely be recommended/ordered for me. 

Oh, I'm just so glad I remembered about the flare-up
of Candida from going off my routine of not eating
sugar to just splurging and eating waaaay too much
sugar.  I was paying the consequences of feeding
that unrelenting yeast inside.

Other symptoms have been relieved as well, and I'm
seeing that my tongue is clearing up too.

I am taking one in the am and one in the pm before

Thanks for taking the time to check in on me.

Jeanne S"

Now, I won't say this is typical.  While I do get
many people that do report relief in the first few
days of taking our products, many others have to
go through a few days of "die-off" or body detox

But, once they clear the "die-off" hurdle, they're
usually on the path to relief. 

Unfortunately there are people that quit during the
die-off phase, which is too bad really, because
that die-off or body detox is telling us that our
products are working! It's not a bad thing!

Until next time,

Mike W.

for help with your candida problems consider Threelac, found at

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rick and Patt talk about their candida yeast struggles...

Below is a powerful two-part email from Rick & Patt.

Rick at one point was very, very sick from his issues...


Thanks so much for your informative newsletter. 
It reassures us that we need to be more diligent about
taking the Threelac and Inulation more frequently.

Both my wife and I went through a serious digestive
infection..thinking it was food poisoning, a virus, etc.
Who knows what, but it was the most violent and sick I
ever felt.

We got immediately back on our products from you and
feel so much better, even after our systems being "bruised". 
Also, we are cutting back on normal "spring water" by using
only alkaline water.  You brought up a subject of reading
food labels on the ph..... difficult to figure out
everything, so whatever other methods folks can do to know
they are getting proper balance of ph, it will benefit them
and your products are tops on our list!

Thanks again.

Rick Miller"

And here's email #2, which I received after I asked
permission to share Rick & Patt's story with you...

"Yes, Mike, share with others.  I have been a "preacher"
about this since I have been helped. My wife, Patt, has
a background in nutrtition and symptomology.  She has known
about this candida stuff for years, but never applied it to
all my ailments.  Now we find it is the culprit and the root of
most of my serious conditions that have plagued me for over 26 yrs.

Between taking 15 meds, and  having no quality of life, I was brought
into intensive care for 4 days with an unknown ailment, almost died
while there, (very close).  Come to find out, after 2 weeks in
hospital and finally my wife took me against my wishes to a Chinese
Homeopathic MD, who saved my life.

We found that my entire adrenal system was shutting down and barely
operating.  No hormones were being produced, thereby zero energy and
not able to get out of bed.

Candida was taking over, and all systems were shutting down on me.

Today with her help and your products, I am a healthy 62 yrs young,
loving life again, (and treasuring my wife), I am on one medication
for my psoriatic arthritis that has crippled me for many years. 
Have been to the finest Drs. and the National Instutues of Health
for 5 yrs.  (they almost killed me too!).  No relief in sight.

It was not until this November episode which was triggered by
eating oysters(!-cooked!).  It proved to me that I still have
lots of work to do, and one of them is to help others be aware
of their own body and how it works (for them or against them). 

I am living proof of getting too much info, but not the CORRECT
info in trying to help myself get well.

Thanks for your input and spreading this critical word to help
others.  It is a huge secret that people need to be aware of.

Bless you!

Rick (and Patt) Miller"

Until next time,

Mike W.

P.S. To get Threelac for yourself, simply go to

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This may be the WORST time of the year for candida yeast sufferers...

The heat & humidity can make your issues go into
"warp speed."  One day you wake up and realize that
maybe your sinus problems are a little worse or
you're "itching" in places you don't normally. Or
maybe you have a little more gas than usual.
Or maybe you're waking up in the morning with that
white coating on your tongue again...

And with the heat comes the sugar-loaded drinks and
cold beer... which some call "liquid yeast".

For those that haven't considered getting back on an anti-
program in a while should consider it.

For those of us that normally take products to
help control our candida yeast problems maybe we
need to increase our dosages for a brief time.

I can tell you personally that just a couple weeks
ago I noticed the skin at the ends of my fingers
starting to "thicken" and "crack", which is for
me one of the "key indicators" of my candida yeast
getting a little more out of hand.  So, I started
taking the products I normally do and within a few
days I could start to see a difference.

My sinus issues also started to slacken...

It's easy to forget all the health issues that
candida yeast can influence.

But the bottom line is that if you're in a hot or
humid environment then watch-out!  Because
candida yeast issues can worsen-- seemingly overnight.

An interesting side note to all this is that it's
not just folks in live in the south that notice
this uptick in candida activity, but I have many
people that live in the pacific northwest and the states
around the great lakes who also report a big
increase in candida yeast issues-- just because of
summer-time humidity.

Until next time,

Mike W.

For help with your candida yeast issues go to or