Received this recently...
"Thanks for your email, Michael. I've been away
for some time, but want to tell you that within
24 hours of taking that first dose, the severe
abdominal pain that I experienced for three months
was gone.
I'm an RN and I really wanted to exhaust any
possibilities that I could think of before having
to go in for unpleasant tests that I knew would
surely be recommended/ordered for me.
Oh, I'm just so glad I remembered about the flare-up
of Candida from going off my routine of not eating
sugar to just splurging and eating waaaay too much
sugar. I was paying the consequences of feeding
that unrelenting yeast inside.
Other symptoms have been relieved as well, and I'm
seeing that my tongue is clearing up too.
I am taking one in the am and one in the pm before
Thanks for taking the time to check in on me.
Jeanne S"
Now, I won't say this is typical. While I do get
many people that do report relief in the first few
days of taking our products, many others have to
go through a few days of "die-off" or body detox
But, once they clear the "die-off" hurdle, they're
usually on the path to relief.
Unfortunately there are people that quit during the
die-off phase, which is too bad really, because
that die-off or body detox is telling us that our
products are working! It's not a bad thing!
Until next time,
Mike W.
for help with your candida problems consider Threelac, found at