Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A list of potential candida yeast issues...

After working with over 27,000 people I've accumulated a pretty extensive list of potential issues as reported to me by candida yeast sufferers over the years.  He we go...

Vaginal yeast infection (obviously this is a female thing BUT keep in mind that not all female candida yeast sufferers deal with vaginal yeast infections– I would say it's around 30% that report a vaginal yeast infection as one of their issues)

Oral thrush, or a white coating on the tongue or inside the mouth

Very dry or cracked skin around the mouth.  Many times very red and sore.

Red sores on the tongue or inside the mouth

Sinus problems

Ringing in the ears

Itchy ears

Losing hair or hair thinning

Recurrent ear infections

Red skin on the face

Dry, flaky skin on parts of the body

Adult acne


Itchy skin on just about any part of the body

Jock itch

Anal itch

Gums and or teeth constantly hurting

Breathing problems

Joint & muscle pain

Foggy thinking

Chronic fatigue

Athlete's foot

Nail fungus

Acid reflux




Quite the list huh?

And the funny thing is that this candida yeast stuff seems to touch people physically, neurologically and emotionally.   I guess it's an equal opportunity health problem.

Till next time,

Mike W.

Threelac has been helping people overcome candida yeast problems for almost a decade.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    That is quite the list, and I can tell you.... I laid claim to quite a few of them myself.

    Now that I have cured my candida, I seem to have lost most of my problems.
    Constipation was a BIG one for me but now that I know what to do for it, I feel great.

    My Journey With Candida
