Marilyn was kind enough to share her story about her candida
"I just wanted to thank you and let you know
I have been battling against my Candida throughout
my entire system for the past 2-3 years. I did
consult with 4 different doctors, (2male and 2female)
as well as the county nurse to no avail.....some
of them did prescribe some medicine to apply to
affected areas, I couldn't seem to get them to
understand it was internal as well.
One doctor even took a scrapping of one place
that had almost healed, but it came back negative
for whatever he tested for. When I was initially
made aware of it my acupuncturist was the one
that explained it to me as he recognized it from
candleizing my ears, and said that usually meant
it was throughout my system.
I didn't think too much about it until I began
breaking out all over. I also have had a fungus
infection on the calf of my leg for almost a year
that still hasn't healed up....
I was going to ask you about increasing some of my
program as I still have breaking out and sores on
my face and shoulder areas, but I see from this note
I should be using the Threelac twice a day so I will
start doing that tomorrow.
It has gotten better and has stopped spreading since
I started with this regimen, but I need to get rid of
it completely.....thanks again...
I asked Marilyn if I could share her email
with others and she kindly responded with
this email...
"Yes you may.......however, I should add I'm not sure
exactly how long I have had the problem.....I moved
here to OK from WI about 5 yrs ago.......the climate
is much more humid and hotter here and for a longer
period of time which I'm not used to.
Also, when I started breaking out on my limbs the
doctors thought it was due to allergies, bug bites
or my scratching scalp also itches.
I never had much trouble with acne even in my
teens.....I am now 74. The county nurse didn't
know what it was........the last doctor that took
the sample just said I should just STOP SCRATCHING
and the eruptions would go away.
I can't tell you how many times I've had folks echo
exactly what Marilyn said up above about trying to
work with the medical community, but just not getting
any help.
Fortunately those people have found a different way
to get relief. And many times it's someone in the
alternative health community who's pointed them
in the right direction.
If you have candida yeast issues make sure you check out for the insight
on how one product can get your issues under control.
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