The guy won't quit!
This is from the mercola website...
"Illinois Senator Durbin is planning to reintroduce his supplement bill, the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act (S 1310), which would grant more power to the FDA to regulate dietary supplements like they were drugs; Durbin first introduced S 1310 in 2011, but it failed miserably, as have many of his other attempts to pass laws attacking the supplement industry."
For some reason the senator seems to think dietary supplements are more dangerous than prescription drugs.
Basically the Senator wants the FDA to be much more of a watch dog over the dietary supplement industry.
Don't get me wrong I think some overseeing is needed, but do we want a situation like in Canada or Europe where dietary supplements are treated like prescription drugs? Meaning that if you want a simple bottle of vitamins you're going to need to see a physician first. How is that a good thing?
Right here is the crux of the matter... again from the Mercola web site:
"There is no satiating the hunger for more power in our federal government. Politicians will scare you about sugary beverages loaded with caffeine as examples of the dangerous and 'unregulated' supplement industry.
Meanwhile, consumers load up at Starbucks and other coffee shops - where they can easily down cups and cups of this 'dangerous' substance. You don't see Durbin beating down the door of Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, even though coffee is the primary source where most people get their caffeine fix.
When you notice this type of hypocrisy, you can usually bet there is a serious industry influence behind the scenes. There is a campaign push assaulting the supplement industry by those hoping to gain control of it. Essentially, if supplements become regulated like drugs - only the drug companies will be manufacturing them.
By setting new regulations and gaining control of the industry, big pharma can charge higher prices and make higher profits."
I would doubt there is 1 consumer out of 20 who thinks letting the big drug manufacturers take over the dietary supplement industry would be a good thing.
Senator Durbin was beaten down on this once before. Now it's time to marshall the troops once again and kick the stuffings out of this proposal.
Here's a place where you can sign a petition to stop this:
Till next time...
Mike W.
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