Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This time of year it's not just ghosts & goblins
that we should be scared of...

But Candida Yeast FUNGUS!

That's what every candida yeast sufferer has too
to fear!

And if that isn't scary enough for you then consider

Do you know what a "fungus" actually is?

Many people confuse fungus with bacteria.  But they
are totally different organisms. Candida yeast is
a fungus.  Threelac is a probiotic, or a good bacteria.

It's not that all fungus are bad, but depending
upon the type of fungus, it can nurture life or destroy it.

It's fungus that ferments grapes into wine, but it's also
fungus that ferments the sugars we put into our bodies
into toxins that cause us a potential laundry list of
health issues-- health issues that some of us have
suffered with for years if not decades.

Most think fungi are plants, in actuality fungi are
neither plants nor animals but make up their own kingdom.

They can't create their own food, and that's why candida
yeast relies on the food we take into our bodies...

The fungus expands by releasing spores, which soon
also have the ability to absorb food and excrete toxic
waste within our bodies.

Here's an odd twist of fate for you--It's fungus that
is used to create antibiotics in order to fight bad
bacteria, and now here we use good bacteria in order to
fight the bad candida yeast fungus.

Finally, what causes many of us to just throw up our
hands in frustration is that while the medical community
seems to have a great understanding of what damage bad
bacteria can do to ones health, very few seem to grasp
what damage bad fungus can do.


You know how frustrated I was with my candida filled life
because I know I told you at every opportunity.

I had been trying to get my issues resolved for over a decade
without, without any big improvements.  At first I thought
Threelac was leading me down the same path.  I mistook
dieoff for a lack of progress.  You urged me not to quit
because progress would be forthcoming.  You were right!

Soon, I was making wonderful progress. 

Thank you for your patience and support!

Wilma Robertson"


Just wanted to write and tell you much better I've
felt lately since I got on Threelac and Inulation.
Yes, it's taken some time and it hasn't always been easy,
but I've gotten my health back!"

Thank you!

Rebecca Rodgers"


I just did my second liver cleanse and I can't say enough
good things about your Hepasan.  I almost forgot how
good I felt after doing my first cleanse last Spring.

Russell Jordan"

"Your Elite Zyme enzymes have made a huge difference
in how well I digest food.  I take one with each meal,
and if for some reason I forget within hours I can tell
something's wrong.

Lori Austin"

"Mr. Winicki,

6 months ago, my life was a mess. Candida had caused
me to become fat, unhealthy and unhappy. I didn't have
the energy to accomplish what I wanted to with my life.
Between the digestive problems and the skin issues I
just felt like giving up. Your help and emails have
kept me going. Little by little I could see improvement.

I'm sticking with the program and look forward to
continued continued good health.

Linda Franklin"

Until next time,

Mike W.

To order any of our products go to:


Monday, October 22, 2012

Diabetes is a huge problem as we all know.

The question is what's potentially triggering diabetes in many people?

Is it because of their weight?  Their diet?  Both?  Or is there something else at play here?

Check out this article for another point of view...


Sunday, October 14, 2012

The four big reasons for a candida yeast overgrowth...

1. A diet heavy in carbohydrates

2. The use of antibiotics

3. Heredity

4. Living in a warm or humid environment

I'll be adding more "meat" to these "bones" over the next few days.

Mike W.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Maybe the source of "Leaky Gut"

Lots of people believe they suffer from "Leaky Gut" syndrome.  The question that many ask, "Why am I suffering and what caused it?"

This article can help answer some of those questions...


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lucy stuggled for years with candida yeast
problems.  Here's her story...

"I was one of those teenagers who had
severe acne.  And I was given a lot of
antibiotics.  If I only knew then what I
know now! 

Yeast infections were regular visitors. But
that was just a small part of it.  Every
now and then I would get oral thrush with a
white coating on my tongue.  It looked awful
and affected the taste of what I ate.

The worst was maybe the gas and bloating.  I
got tired of having people ask me if I was
pregnant or not. 

Over the last few years I've had a little
relief by following the strict candida diet,
but I paid a terrible price by not being
able to eat a lot of food I use to enjoy.

Two months ago I found your website and ordered
your Threelac and Inulation.  And within a
couple weeks I started noticing a positive
change.  Within a month I was starting to
eat some of the foods I couldn't eat only
a few weeks earlier.

I'm very grateful for Threelac and Inulation
and the relief they have given me along with
peace of mind.

Lucy Edmond"

For more information on Threelac go to: http://candidayeastinfo.com/

Until next time,

Mike W.