Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Detox Diet – A healthy alternative to managing Candida

Often when we start experiencing health symptoms like Candida, it’s our body’s way of telling us to slow down, take stock, reboot and to consciously check our diets. It’s extremely easy with a modern lifestyle – fast paced, highly stressed, always on the go – to not pay attention to the food we are eating. And we approach meal times as a bit of a nuisance as we rush between meetings.
But there is that age old saying ‘’ Life is like a shopping trolley – you can put whatever you want in it , but sooner or later you are going to have to pay for it.’’ Our bodies are going to take strain if we are feeding it junk food, fast food, instant meals and washing it all down with things like coke and beer.
A detox diet for a few days is a way to give your body a chance to flush out all of the toxins we have accumulated through diet and our environment, that are causing our systems to be slow and troublesome. And this doesn’t mean that you have to rush out and buy a juicer, living on lemon slices for 5 days or just eat carrots – it means you have to eat clean, cut out the junk – the booze, the caffeine (yes sorry), the nicotine – why you are doing that in the first place boggles the mind – the white bread and the cheeseburgers.

Drink loads of water and herbal tea, eat fruit, raw veggies, salad, free range chicken and wild salmon, fill up on whole grains and cut out the dairy and the coffee. After 3-5 days you will have given your body a fantastic chance to reboot and you will start feeling great and full of energy again.

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